LIT360 LibGuide

Questions to Ask the Librarian

  • Where are books on [insert topic here] located?
  • I've checked all the online journals, but I can't find anything useful on my topic-can you help me?
  • I found a reference to an article on Google Scholar, but I can't find it in full text in the databases. Is there another way of finding it?
  • What is ILL (Inter-Library Loan) and how do I request an article or book for my research?
  • How do I print my article? [be wary of PDF's-- you generally must click on the "print" icon in the PDF itself. Choosing print from the file menu will often result in blank or mostly blank pages]
  • I found an abstract for an article in a database, but no full text-- how can I find the full text for this item?
  • I've found several items in the catalog or database and would like to print out a list of the ones I've found. Is there a way to collect/save/print a list like this? 
  • How do I properly cite electronic resources?
  • I'm having trouble writing my essay. Where can I get help?
  • How can I avoid plagiarism?
Questions about multimedia resources? Web 2.0 online tools? IM your friendly, neighborhood information science student and I'll help if I can. For help on specific English papers or essays, please refer to Prof. Lehmann or one of the Morgan Library librarians.